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Resources found: 2

Liderazgo de las mujeres en y para la salud: acelerar la igualdad de género en el contexto de COVID-19

Date: 08/03/2021

La pandemia COVID-19 dejó su huella en el mundo en 2020. Con ese telón de fondo, el Pan La Organización Americana de la Salud (OPS) y el sistema de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) están a la vanguardia de los esfuerzos para garantizar que las respuestas no dejen a nadie atrás, especialmente a las mujeres y las niñas en toda su diversidad. Las mujeres se ven afectadas de múltiples formas. Entre el...
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Pandemics/prevention & control, Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control, Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control, Health Personnel/organization & administration, 57433, Social Isolation/psychology, Mental Health, Violence Against Women, Leadership, COVID-19, Etienne, Carissa F

Women’s leadership in and for health: accelerating gender equality in the context of COVID-19

Date: 08/03/2021

The COVID-19 pandemic made its mark on the world in 2020. With that backdrop, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the United Nations (UN) system are at the forefront of efforts to ensure responses leave no one behind, especially women and girls in all their diversity Women are impacted in multiple ways. Amongst these, they are particularly affected by the heightened pressure on health ...
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Pandemics/prevention & control, Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control, Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control, Health Personnel/organization & administration, 57433, Social Isolation/psychology, Mental Health, Violence Against Women, Leadership, COVID-19, Etienne, Carissa F